When our largest client asked us to travel across the Atlantic to engage with their newest emerging market, we couldn’t refuse. India had us mesmerised from the second we stepped off the plane – so much so, we came back with over 4TB of footage (and that was just the BTS!). Here are some of the best bits.
Aside from the rich culture, ancient monuments and aromatic food, the most fascinating thing about India by far was the people. The crew were greeted with smiles, happiness and floods of volunteers to be filmed everywhere they went! They especially enjoyed being treated like minor celebrities wherever they went (no Rich, you don’t look that much like Jonny Depp!).
During downtime in between on location client shoots and travelling, our production crew had plenty of spare time and creative freedom to experiment with filming techniques that we don’t usually get to put into practice, from hyper-lapses and long exposure photography to ambitious drone flights.
Our team is a well-travelled bunch, but India expanded their horizons beyond imagination, with ancient monuments and sacred temples all expertly documented from the back of a Tuk-Tuk (thank the heavens for image stabilisation). They also made a point of sampling as much local cuisine as possible. Fun fact: It only takes one Hyderabad Biryani to humble three fully grown men.